36001 Jams

Photos: Emmanuelle Latour, Isabelle Üski, Bastien Auber et Jérémy Damian.

Please contact us if you want to use these pictures.

36001 JAMS (CI36 event): 11-15 juin 2008

CI 36 celebration and 30st anniversary of CI in France:

  • Performances with Didier Silhol, Lulla Chourlin, Emmanuel Grivet, Mandoline Whittlesey, Isabelle Uski, Christelle Casse, Muriel Guigou, Domminique Commeigne
  • 1st French speaking CI teacher meeting.
  • Big birthday Jam with Urs Stauffer, Nien Marie Chat, many French speaking teachers and participants from all over France and other countries. First event of that sort in France!

1001 JAM: 30 avril – 3 mai 2009

  • 3 days JAM
  • Morning workshops with local teachers : Emilie Borgo et Xavier Sarkis, Anne, Mathilde Banguet , Emeline N’Guyen, Christelle Casse , Quentin Briand , Sébastien Molliex , Nicolas Hubert , Jean Marc Petit, Isabelle Üski
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